
Soup Run Reports & Pop-Up Pantry
A large crowd had gathered and was waiting for us when we arrived at 31st in New York City for last night’s Soup Run and we were prepared with 125 hot meals, socks, underwear and toiletries. The group was made up of returning guests who lingered and chatted with us, new guests who seemed amazed...
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Last nights Soup run was another example of “Let go. Let God.”  We thought we would need more help. There were six volunteers from Holy Trinity, all women, carting tables, boxes of delicious deli sandwiches, water, sneakers, toiletries, and socks. We got to the city and there were four more volunteers!  Two new volunteers from...
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Last Night’s Soup Run was a celebration of old friends.  We gave out 99 hot meals, snacks, fruit and water, along with toiletries, underwear, socks and T-shirts.  Each month we see more people who have found us at our new location, some of whom are new to us, and others we haven’t seen since before...
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So many hungry individuals met us at our first stop during last night’s Soup Run that we ran out of food. This rarely happens. In only 40 minutes, we served 65 delicious meals of chicken, rice and vegetables. The need is great, our guests are returning, they know where to find us and know that...
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Last night’s Soup Run was an overwhelming success. The word is out! Holy Trinity stops have gone through the pipeline. We met many of our old friends at St. Francis Church on 31st. We were able to feed fifty people there. They were waiting for us, and a line began to form. There were some...
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It was a reunion of sorts during last night’s Soup Run. We happily reconnected with guests we have not seen in more than two years – Nate, Santos, Wendy and Keith – and exchanged handshakes and hugs. Some told us “we all survived this”. Working with the Midnight Run organization, we made three stops in...
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We served chicken and rice dinners and bags of sandwiches, water and snacks to our guests on the street in New York City during last night’s Soup Run. There was a group camped out at St. Francis, mostly under the scaffolding, sheltering from the impending snowstorm. We also provided coats, hats, scarves, socks, underwear and...
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Last night we offered 67 hot meals to guests living on the frigid streets in and around Penn Station. Our friends from St. Nicholas in Wyckoff New Jersey joined us with their Father Gikas, handing out much needed gloves, hats, toiletries, sweat shirts, blankets, handwarmers, socks and underwear. All our guests were grateful for our...
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We served our guests on the street and in the train station during last night’s soup run and they seemed especially thankful that we remembered them two days before Christmas.  Meals were given to some who were camped out on the ground, in tents, in cardboard boxes and sleeping bags and wandering through Penn Station....
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A little touch of Thanksgiving came a week early for our guests in Manhattan when we served 60 turkey meals during last night’s Soup Run. Along with the hot meals, we provided 100 sandwiches, cookies and bottles of water. We also offered socks, underwear, hats, scarves, toiletries and blankets. The blankets were gone within minutes....
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