April 2022 Soup Run

Last night’s Soup Run was an overwhelming success. The word is out! Holy Trinity stops have gone through the pipeline. We met many of our old friends at St. Francis Church on 31st. We were able to feed fifty people there. They were waiting for us, and a line began to form. There were some that would not emerge from their makeshift box houses and blanket bundles, so we went to them. Tara was almost missed as she is so slight in build and totally covered in blankets and cardboard. I introduced myself and asked her name. “I’m Tara. Thanks for asking my name,” she said. We brought her food, and other essentials, and a “most beautiful” sweater. Tara could not have been more than 19 years old.

We saw our old friend Donna. A number of volunteers spent time speaking with her and comforting her. She shared that her 4-year-old granddaughter recently died of COVID. She had a compromised immune system and may have caught it while in a playground. Donna was grateful for the time spent with her and the empathy she felt from the group.

Working with the Midnight Run organization, we had three to five stops to make but made only two as all our goods were distributed in two stops. Our guests were expecting us in both places. We served hot chicken dinners including water and snacks, homemade brownies, and cookies. Lots of essentials like underwear, socks, shoes, sneakers, and toiletries were distributed to those we found on the sidewalks, under boxes or in tents.

We are always met with smiles and prayers to “get home safely” and “God’s blessings.”  They are very protective of us which makes us all think of the irony in their concern. It was cold and windy last night and one below an awning where the wind was less brutal.

We are reminded that we offer and receive more than we imagine. The gift of loving kindness is abundant. The monthly Soup Run is a heartfelt experience for volunteers who want to interact directly with individuals in need.

All month long, we gather items and organize for the last Thursday of the month when we serve our guests. It is through the donations of those in the Holy Trinity community and beyond – including supporters and volunteers from across Westchester County, Queens, Long Island, New York City, Connecticut, and New Jersey, those of various faiths and friends of friends, who make this important outreach a reality. This month we are grateful to the following supporters:

  • Financial Support
    • Minos Samoladas
    • Irene Drivas
    • April Soup Run Sponsor: Ariadne Rokkas in memory of Maria Rokkas
    • Philoptochos of Holy Trinity New Rochelle, NY
  • Meals/Cookies/Sandwiches 
    • Manny Louros
    • Kathy Papataros
    • Kalliope Primis
  • Clothing
    • Ana and Constantine Dimas – Sneakers, Clothing, Backpack
    • Deborah Farone – Women’s Underwear
    • Holy Trinity Knitting for Charity Group; Suzanne Negrin – Hand Knit/Crocheted Hats and Scarves
    • Melina Morris and Bombas (https://bombas.com )  – Socks
  • Toiletry Kits/Personal Care Items
    • Georgeann Mavrovitis, Loredona Curtis, Alexandra Speres and Maryann Koutsis
  • Bags – FreshDirect (freshdirect.com)

With much appreciation, we thank you for your continuing support and participation. Donations of new men’s and women’s underwear, T-shirts (sizes LG and XL) are always needed. The next Soup Run is scheduled for May 26, 2022. Please join us.


We gladly accept donations to provide funding for organizations that feed the hungry and care for the homeless. Please click on the Donate button if you wish to make a financial contribution

Philoxenia is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions.